Anchoring is the combination of rootedness and courage: being deeply connected to ourselves and our Humanity allows us to nourish the love and strength needed to navigate life with passion, determination and serenity.
The concept of “anCoraggio” combines two fundamental words: anCORa and CORaggio - COR 💖 whose root is
Act with your heart.
The central idea is the importance of feeling deeply connected and rooted in one's Being in the Body and therefore in the Heart, to recall stability and strength when the High Waves arrive!
The anchor, symbol of stability and rootedness, represents the ability to remain firm and connected to our bodies/inner intelligences in moments of external difficulty, to remain connected to our Humanity.
Like an anchor that keeps a ship stable and protected in a stormy sea, being grounded in ourselves reminds us of the importance of staying in touch with our inner core, our center: the luminous column, the connection between the earth and the sky, physically our Spine.
This, regardless of what is happening around us. This connection is built with body awareness, attention to breathing and fluid listening to one's sensations and emotions, all central elements in the approach with Soulspension and Postural Suspension + Stare il SoStare.
Courage is Dancing Life, even when it presents us with indigestible challenges, the strength of action, is moving forward, even a little, recognizing the challenges. It is a quality that develops when we are rooted: the more we are aware of our center, the more we can breathe in "difficult occasions" embracing the shadows, navigating through fears, often just Negative Imagination and obstacles. It is not just a mental act, but collaborating with the vital energy that resides in the body, a force that awakens when we feel vibrant, present, alive.
In the practice with Soulspension the concept of anchoring is developed through grounding exercises that integrate deep breathing, postural alignment and body awareness. These tools help to awaken the ability to be present and to draw on that inner strength that enables us to face the world with a deeper lightness and trust.